Red illuminates explores the concept of culture in socialist countries and how loyalty to the state is cultivated. The catalyst for the project was found in a residential area of Beijing where Special Criminal Syndicate Combat propaganda posters displayed, on average, every 40 meters. These are presented alongside large-format portraits of so-called young pioneers emulating Mao Zedong’s portrait in Tiananmen Square. A white orchid blooming under artificial grow lights, a still from a video work, is listening to socialist propaganda from CCTV (China’s official news channel) continuously for 30 days. I ask the question, “could this conditioning eventually turn a white orchid red?”.
A publication of this work was produced as a TLP Edition in 2020. A copy of this limited edition publication can be purchased here.

Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

The Young Pioneers (boy)

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Individual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

IIndividual image of the Special Criminal Syndicate Combat

Day 30

The Young Pioneers (girl)


Untitled Still from video

Installation View